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By Helen Silvis of The Skanner News
Published: 03 June 2011

Grassroots community activists are organizing events aimed at building support networks around Portland's youth. The move comes as a response to the rise in youth violence that has brought more than 30 reports of shootings this year and five teen deaths. Here are just a few of the efforts underway this weekend to build community and surround teens with caring adults.

40 Days Seeking Common Unity Forum
When: June 3, 6pm — 7pm
Why: Youth violence prevention through community action. Possible actions under discussion are: intervention programs, a foot patrol and mentoring.
What can be done between 12 midnight and 3am
Where: University Park Community Center, 9009 N. Foss
Forum Contact: Herman Greene 503.719.0372

The Second Annual Hood Hoop Classic
When: June 4 from 12 noon to 6 pm
Where: Self Enhancement Inc,  3920 N. Kerby Ave.
What: The event will bring together four teams of standout basketball players including some pros and "a lot of dudes from Portland who were very good but never took it farther." Free and open to the public
Why: Fun activity for youth and families. Celebrates Sam Thompson's birthday. Sam started the Restore the Village campaign.  Free and open to the public
Barbecue Picnic and Kickball
When: Sunday, June 5
Why: Fun activity for youth and families.
What: Free barbecue. Kickball with local celebrities including: Terrell Brandon, Black Gov; Cool Nutz and more…
Where: 1pm to 7pm at Glenhaven Park near Madison High School.  

"CONNECTED" adults supporting youth.
When: June 3 and every Friday afternoon in two shifts at 4:30 and 8 pm
Why: Answering John Canda's call for 100 men to show a caring presence for youth, "CONNECTED" will be out walking and talking with youth on Friday afternoons. Men and women are welcome to attend.
Where: Meet on the north side of Holladay Park, just south of Lloyd Center.
Rob Richardson will lead the first at team at 4:30 pm
John Canda will lead the second team at 8 pm.

Community Leaders Dialogue
When: Saturday June 4 from 8:30 am to 3 pm
Where: Concordia University, Hagen Campus Center, 2811 NE Holman St.
Why: The Office of Neighborhood Involvement has joined forces with Concordia University, the seven neighborhood district coalitions, ONI's Diversity and Civic Leadership partners, and the Alliance of Portland Neighborhood Business Associations to co-host what we hope will the beginning of a new tradition of annual city-wide gatherings. More information from Paul Leistner, ONI, 503-823-5284
Sign up http://www.portlandonline.com/oni/index.cfm?c=49302
When: Saturday, June 4 · 10 am - noon
Where: Madison High School library,
Why: We will address three major issues that are causing a crisis in for our community and our youth: Gangs, Internet safety and Human Trafficking. Contact: [email protected] or 503-740-3187
Young Men of Awareness  Fundraising Banquet
When: June 4: 7pm -10 pm
Where: Calvary Christian Center
126 NE Alberta St.
What: The focus will be around breaking cycles and how to better support the youth and their families in living healthier lifestyles.  

Next Week
Fathers' Day Breakfast at Applebee's
When: June 11, 8am - 10am
Why: to help in the efforts of bringing Yashanee home.
Hosted by Applebee's and The Yashanee Vaughn Committee.
Where: Applebee's Gateway, 10004 NE Halsey St., Portland, OR
Cost $7.00 Pancake Breakfast tickets available at the door.

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