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USA News

The Air Force ejected her because it forbids single parents from enlisting

The reason for the policy, according to Air Force officials, is that the demands of deployment and military service put strain on family life and even more so for single parents.


Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock: pregnancies from rape are 'something that God intended to happen'

(CNN) -- The pregnant 12-year-old girl was strung out on heroin and looked like a walking skeleton when she arrived at the hospital. The conversation that followed, said Phoenix police chaplain John South, has stuck with him ever since.


The group is shifting jobs from the United States to the Chinese plant

CHANGZHOU, China (CNN) -- This is a bustling, modern Chinese city. Shoppers decked out in the last fashions prowl shining new shopping malls. It's about two hours drive from the glamorous metropolis of Shanghai, yet it's fair to say very few people outside of China have heard of it.


Investigations that followed the killings found he had been communicating via e-mail with Anwar al-Awlaki, the Yemeni-American radical cleric killed by a U.S. drone attack in 2011

(CNN) -- Survivors and family members of the Fort Hood shootings released a video last week demanding the U.S. government designate the massacre as an act of terrorism rather than a case of a murderous rampage.


The Supreme Court upheld a stay of execution just before midnight

(CNN) -- A flurry of last-minute legal maneuvers Tuesday spared, for now, the life of John Ferguson, a Florida death row inmate who suffers from mental illness and at one point called himself the 'prince of God.'


Romney's assertion that 313 ships are required for a fully operational Navy uses an outdated figure - Navy Secretary Ray Mabus dropped the number to 300 ships in April

(CNN) -- Perhaps it only makes sense that a candidate who prepared for a presidential debate near Colonial Williamsburg would choose to slam Mitt Romney's plan for more Navy ships by using the phrase "horses and bayonets."


Radcliffe Haughton shot seven women before killing himself, police say

What prompted the 45-year-old former Marine to open fire at a suburban Milwaukee salon Sunday -- killing not just his wife and two other women, but also wounding four others -- was foreshadowed in no uncertain terms by his estranged wife just three days earlier.


'Please, Mr. President, stop talking about rewarding and punishing teachers. Teachers are professionals, not toddlers'

(CNN) -- Earlier this month, Education Secretary Arne Duncan delivered his state of education speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., which was part self-review of his department's goals and achievements and part campaign speech for his boss, President Obama.


Romney faces the challenge of laying out specific policies without upsetting base

(CNN) -- While foreign policy became an unexpected pivotal point in last week's town-hall style presidential debate, Monday's final showdown will focus entirely on international affairs.


International Cycling Union's president also says he was 'sickened' by the report

(CNN) -- Lance Armstrong is losing the seven cycling titles that made him a legend.


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